Thursday, October 31, 2019
Lead like Jesus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Lead like Jesus - Essay Example It is a journey of patience, perseverance, and dedication. Leaders must be able to activate change in behavior which was achieved by Jesus in his disciple. Transformational leadership involves influencing the behavior of others and ensuring that they achieve greatness or objectives they need to achieve. The actions of Jesus reveal servant leadership that involves doing what he wants the follower to undertake (Blanchard and Hodges 6). Change in behavior is an action of motivation and the development of personal drive which influence personality development. The leadership depicted by Jesus covered all aspects of effective leadership including motivation, guidance, and the setting a role model for the mentors to follow and achieve success. In the talks and teaching of Jesus, the followers learnt of his objective, mission and role in the world and depicting to the learners the main reasons for the change. In spite of the challenges, role model leadership depicted by Jesus surpassed the current leadership strategies because of the involvement in the activities directly (Blanchard and Hodges 6). Therefore, the leadership of Jesus influenced the followers and enabled them to develop and become effective leaders as depicted in the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Exam 3 for public adminstration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Exam 3 for public adminstration - Research Paper Example The leader positively motivates the group members of the organization to do the best jobs by working independently. Leadership focuses on the constant improvement of the organization and its growth by keeping a good picture always (Khan, 167). On the other hand, management may involve negative motivations like punishment to the members in case some goals are not reached in time or if the goals fail to be accomplished. Management involves the person in the highest position giving orders to the lower position members. Therefore, management is a matter of position and warnings to avoid failure (Khan, 173). Transformational leadership: this is a type of the leadership whereby the members being under control of their leaders are inspired by the leaders to major in the organizational goals and not their self-interests. The organizational goals should be prioritized first before any other action is to be done. The basis of this leadership is devotion and not bureaucratic self-interest (Khan, 170). Micromanagement is a type management whereby the subordinate members are under high supervision from their manager. The manager is very close to the activities that are taking place in the organization. An example of micromanagement is where an experienced employee is give a task and its deadline. Instead of waiting for the employee to complete the task, the manager will be checking on the employee occasionally on the working desk or sending many email to him or her asking how the task is going on or its been completed. This type of management may lower the productivity of the workers since they will be feeling unsecured and others may even quit their jobs (Khan, 177). Over management involves putting very high goals in the organization and trying to achieve them. The goals may be very hard to achieve but the manager is very optimistic that the goals are achievable although the workers do not believe that way. The workers will not be
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Critic The Pestel Analysis As Model Commerce Essay
Critic The Pestel Analysis As Model Commerce Essay The topic of the project concerns research questions, which are based on previous observations over Bohemia Travel Agency. It is an interesting topic to follow, because of the arising opportunities for the company. With the long years of experience in the tourism sector, the company has already created image and during the whole years that positive image increased the profitability of the company. While becoming a leader on the market, the travel agency increased the potential of its performance, so that is the main reason of choosing the certain company and the researched questions. The investigation of finding solution to these research questions are strictly related to pursuing an appropriate theories. These theories bind together with appropriate analysis will open the future paths for increasing the business performance of the company. As mentioned in the problem formulation and the methodology the project will harshly follow the strategy of the travel agency and based on the strategic direction and choices, we will find a better ways for the company to develop and expand its business. The usage of the theory will start with examination of the macro-environment. The analysis is the first step of the planning process, as it helps to identify issues to be removed in the development and implementation of effectiveness in the business development. In this sense, it is crucial to examine the microenvironment and immediate impact on the organization. The most commonly used technique is the so-called PESTEL analysis divides the entire external environment of six segments, thus covering almost everything that can affect the organization. These six areas are: economic, political, social, technological, environmental and legal. The thing that should be considered when one PESTEL analysis is conducted is to identify the environmental factors that affect the organization in the long term, and arrange them in order of importance. When the organization develops the strategy, there is a variety of important factors they have to consider. We are going to take a look at all the factors that affect the economic environment and examine the relationship between business and the environment. This part will explain the key macro-economic variables that affect the business of the organization and will identify the trends in these variables. The PESTEL model will assess how changes might affect the company and will evaluate the strategies that the company might deploy in response. Thus, we are using that model in our research. The plan of action of the travel agency could be always ruined by the external economic changes, thus the PESTEL analysis will help us in finding out the appropriate solution for the further strate gic choices. According to Farnham (1999), the PESTEL and Porters (1980) five forces model provide a useful start for analysis the external environment and providing a crucial set of inputs for strategic development and implementation. (P. Rudolpf, 2005) It is important to critic the PESTEL analysis as model, because it clarifies the external factors of the company, but these factors (Lynch 2006) are viewed as almost uncontrollable. In addition (Sutton 1988) suggests that analysis of the external environment is undertaken to gain competitive advantage and improve long and short term planning. McMillan and Tampoe, (2000) state that the PESTEL framework represents a guide to the general environment but is based only historical data and the past, but it refers to forces of changes in the environment and can be used to forecast the future. In other words, understanding changes taking place currently is an important guide to anticipating the future (Fahey, 1986). (Aguilar 1967; Choo and Auster 1993) suggest that the external environment in relation to an organisation or business is where information that is of critical importance can be analysed. This in turn will help the strategic planning and future development of the organisations future. Organisations and businesses choose to analyse the external environment in order to understand forces out with the business or organisation that can change a proposed strategy instantly. Organisations and businesses do this in order to avoid any surprises and in turn identify threats and opportunities. Such as the SWOT/TOWS analysis, the PESTEL analysis has been discussed and proposed as an excellent tool by many authors and researchers (Lynch, Sutton, Farnham. In addition (Sutton 1988) suggests that analysis of the external environment is undertaken to gain competitive advantage and improve long and short term planning. Moreover (Lynch 2006) asserts that external factors outside the business or organization are viewed as almost uncontrollable. In addition we will say that conducting the PESTEL analysis will be much more reliable than any other models, because it strongly influences our further strategic choices. The next step of in understanding the firms competitiveness is to look at the competitive arena in an industry. Porter five forces model is created by Michael Porter in Harvard University (1979). The aim of the model is to analyze the industry in order to identify the level of intensity regarding the competition and attractiveness of the industry. A good technique for analysing the microenvironment is Porters five forces model that helps to identify the level of competition in an industry (Stonehouse, 2001). However, it is essential, by using this model, to consider the characteristics of the industry in regard to technological and economical environmental aspects and the influence of the government in regulation competition (Porter, 1980). According to variety of authors (Porter, Kotler, Lynch, Hollensen etc.) the external environment should be accompanied with competition analysis. That is why our next step will be based on the authors advices. In our case, that is the Porters five forces analysis. As already described in the methodology part (see the previous chapter above), the Porters five forces are going to clarify our picture of the competition in the tourism sector of the chosen travel agency. One of the most useful frameworks for analyzing the competitive structure has been developed by Porter. Porter (1980) suggests that competition in an industry is rooted in its underlying economic structure and goes beyond the bahaviour of current competitors. (Hollensen, 2010) As we can see, one of the authors following the Porters model is Svend Hollensen, who as an Associate Professor can confirm the benefits of using the Porters five forces as a constructive model of analyzing the competition in the industry. Moreover (Hollensen, 2010) asserts that the goal of competition analysis is to find a position in industry where the company can best defend itself against the five forces, or can influence them in its favour. If we agree with Hollensen (2010), there will be two possible outlines for our travel agency positive and negative. But no matter of the final results, in overall, the analysis will ensure and confirm our further strategic choices and will influences on our proposal of investment plan. Michael Porters five forces model was also harmed of other authors criticism, such as Lynch who says that the model assumes that there are no changes in the industrial environment but in fact the market is very flexible. This is shown for example on the enormous growth of the e-commerce sector. If you use this tool, you have to repeat this analysis continuously. (Lynch, 2009, p. 101-102) The main reasons why Porters five forces has endured much criticism are that the world radical economic changes has occurred since the time the model has been developed; there is a very strong impact of internet on the industry. Of course, the recent years, there are authors, investigating the strategic planning in the business and one of them Larry Downes stated that Porters five forces are no longer viable. Due to that reason, Downes has developed three new forces, which are: Digitalization, Globalization, and Deregulation. Downes insists that Porters five forces model is obsolete. Downes arguments are convincing. In fact, digitalization, globalization and deregulation have become powerful forces during the last years, but Porters models rarely take them into consideration. Todays markets are highly influenced by technological progress, especially in information technology. Therefore, it is not advisable if not to say impossible to develop a strategy solely on the basis of Porters models. (Recklies, 2008) Downes critique of Porter implies that Porters models focus too much on the economic conditions of their era of origin. Therefore, their viability is limited under changed conditions. We need to add here that Downes new forces are derived from the economic conditions of their particular era too. Within some years or decades, they will have lost some of their importance because other developments have taken over the driving role. (Downes, 1997) Further criticism comes from those who say the model simply provides a snapshot of an industry, rather than a more dynamic picture which says something about the future, and can be more readily translated to strategy. Lawton argues, however, that the idea of assessing substitutes does bring dynamism, highlighting where the challenges will come from. Then there are those who criticise the model for having missed out a vital stage in the process of assessing the market. Lampel says: It doesnt explain how to define the industry, and sometimes that is a tricky question. Porter picked industries that were easy to identify, but a lot of people get the industry wrong, so the analysis is worthless. Some people argue that defining the industry is the critical input of knowing where you stand. (SPS, Nov. 2009) However, some criticism has been made that the five forces are an analytical tool and rather static. Rumelt, (1991) suggested that companies have company-specific preferences of strategic development regarding profitability, which has lager influences than the competitive forces of environment. Furthermore, the five forces largely ignores the human resources aspects of strategy (Farnham, 1999), which will be of increasing importance in the future. But still we can stick to the proving of PESTEL analysis combined with Porters five forces, because as Thomas Lawton, professor of strategic management at Cranfield says: In a sense transposing the PESTLE ideas onto the Five Forces is the best way. (SPS, Nov. 2009) The very next theoretical model conducted in our project will be SWOT/TOWS analysis. The SWOT analysis is a rottenly used strategic tool in bigger or smaller organizations. It examines the internal and external environment of a company and gives a clearer picture for an organization of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis is developed by Albert Humphrey, who named the strategic tool alternately SWOT Matrix. The matrix is also described by (Jobber and Fahey 2006) as the structured approach to evaluating the strategic position of a business or organisation by identifying its strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats. (Lynch 2006) furthers the view of (Jobber and Fahey 2006) by suggesting that the SWOT analysis is how a business or organisation can further their development from the PEST and Porters Analysis and make an amalgamation of the analysis of the internal and external environment by doing the SWOT analysis. On the other hand, the SWOT has end ured a lot of criticism of variety of authors and researchers, working in the field. In relation to the external factors of the SWOT analysis (Johnson Et al 2009) suggest that the analysis of opportunities and threats is extremely valuable when the organisation or business is looking to formulate a proposed strategic plan for the future. Other criticism is provided by (Mintzberg 1994) who suggests that SWOT is the main cause of what is considered there an excessive formalization of the strategy making process. Many authors (Baramuralikrishna and Dugger 1998; David 1997; Hill and Westbrook 1997; Johnson et al 1989; Thompson and Strickland 1998; Wheelan and Hunger 1998) suggests that this usage rarely amounts to much more than a poorly structured, very general, hastily conducted exercise that produces unverified, vague and inconsistent inventories of factors regarded by the proposing individuals as most important components of their organizations strategic situation. Most of the SWOT critics are arguing that the matrix is too superficial and basic. It does not provide detailed analysis of a company and many times it is used in a wrong way. Due to much criticism and conflicts between authors about the SWOT analysis, we decided to conduct the TOWS matrix represented and developed by Heinz Weihrich, Professor of Management, University of San Francisco. He writes a detailed article about TOWS analysis, also called The TOWS Matrix A Tool for Situational Analysis. (Heinz Weihrich, GODINA) has two main purposes One is to review general considerations in strategic planning and the second to introduce the TOWS Matrix for matching the environmental threats and opportunities with the companys weaknesses and especially its strengths. These factors per se are not new; what is new is systematically identifying relationships between these factors and basing strategies on them. There is little doubt that strategic planning will gain greater prominence in the future. In his article Heinz Weihrich is describing in details the ways of usage the matrix and the main benefits of using the matrix. In contrast of the SWOT analysis, the TOWS one is much more reliable and appropriate to conduct in our project, because it is focused in analyzing the company in much more details and gives much flawless picture of how to turn the weaknesses into strengths and the threats into opportunities. The TOWS matrix is combining the whole four outlines of the matrix and creates the opportunity of better observation into the internal and external factors influencing the company. Even sometimes the threats could ruin the forecasting, the TOWS help the company to forecast easily and once understood the strengths and the weaknesses, the company could find better future opportunities to develop. The relation between providing TOWS and the other strategic tools PESTEL analysis and Porter dive forces is that all the models and theories are bind together in building the most appropriate path for the company to find the most accurate strategy for the better performance of the company. The very next strategic tool of the project is the model of Igor Ansoff, who created the product-mission matrix, in other word the so-called Ansoff matrix. The matrix allows companies to realize the risk component of various growth strategies, including product versus market development, and diversification. The Ansoff matrix presents the product and market choices available to an organization. Herein markets may be defined as customers, and products as items sold to customers (Lynch, 2003). When developing the Ansoff matrix, the inventor Igor Ansoff aimed to measure the growth of risk that the company might take when choosing different directions of strategy. According to the matrix, we can say that the more different the territory is, the higher risk is taken. Managers of organizations should be aware of how to manage the risk appropriately and to take into considerations the right decisions. The Ansoff matrix helps the company to increase its profit by entering in new business oce ans. The strategies taken by a company may have huge consequences and that is why the risk should be observed carefully. However, due to these reasons in our project we will conduct an analysis over Ansoff matrix and will see how the strategies will work for it and for its future performance. As also known, the Ansoff matrix was developed 1957, but a few years later the Igor Ansoff realized that his work was not unique, because a similar matrix was developed earlier.Moreover few years after Ansoff matrix was much criticized by Henry Mintzberg, who didnt like the idea of strategy being built from planning, which is supported by analytical techniques.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Biography of William Faulkner :: Writer Biographies Essays
Biography of William Faulkner William Faulkner was a prolific writer who became very famous during his lifetime but who shied away from the spotlight as much as possible. He is remembered as both a gentlemanly southern eccentric and an arrogant, snobbish alcoholic. But perhaps the best way to describe Faulkner is to describe his heritage, for, like so many of his literary characters, Faulkner was profoundly affected by his family. Faulkner's great grandfather, Colonel William Falkner (Faulkner added the "u" to his name), was born in 1825 and moved to Mississippi at the age of 14. He was a lawyer, writer, politician, soldier, and pioneer who was involved in several murder trials - including two in which he was accused - and was a best-selling novelist. During the Civil War he recruited a (Confederate) regiment and was elected its colonel, but his arrogance caused his troop to demote him and he left to recruit another regiment. After the war he became involved in the railroad business and made a lot of money; he bought a plantation and began to write books, one of which became a best-seller. He ran for Mississippi state legislature in 1889, but his opponent shot and killed him before the election. Faulkner's grandfather was the colonel's oldest son, John Wesley Thompson Falkner. He inherited his father's railroad fortune and became an Assistant U.S. Attorney. He later became the president of the First National Bank of Oxford, Mississippi. Faulkner's father was Murray Falkner, who moved from job to job before becoming the business manager of the University of Mississippi, where he and his family lived for the rest of his life. William Faulkner was born on September 25, 1897 and began to write poetry as a teenager. During World War I, he joined the Canadian Royal Flying Corps ââ¬â he was too short to join the U.S. Air Force ââ¬â but never fought; the day he graduated from the Flying Corps the Armistice was signed. The only "war injury" he received was the result of getting drunk and partying too hard on Armistice Day, wherein he injured his leg. After the war, Faulkner came back to Oxford, enrolled as a special student at the University of Mississippi and began to write for the school papers and magazines, quickly earning a reputation as an eccentric. His strange routines, swanky dressing habits, and inability to hold down a job earned him the nickname "Count Nocount.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Short Notes About Some Point
SIM: A subscriber identity module (SIM) on a removable SIM card securely stores the service-subscriber key (IMSI) used to identify a subscriber on mobile telephony devices (such as mobile phones and computers). A SIM card contains its unique serial number, internationally unique number of the mobile user (IMSI), security authentication and ciphering information, temporary information related to the local network (also temporary local id that has been issued to the user), a list of the services the user has access to and two passwords (PIN for usual use and PUK for unlocking). SIM cards are available in two standard sizes. The first is the size of a credit card (85. 60 mm ? 53. 98 mm x 0. 76 mm). GSM: GSM is stands for Global System for Mobile communication. It is a digital mobile telephony system that is widely used in Asia and other parts of the world. GSM uses a variation of time division multiple access (TDMA) and is the most widely used of the three digital wireless telephony technologies (TDMA, GSM, and CDMA). GSM digitizes and compresses data, then sends it down a channel with two other streams of user data, each in its own time slot. It operates at either the 900 MHz or 1800 MHz frequency band. Mobile services based on GSM technology were first launched in Finland in 1991. Today, more than 690 mobile networks provide GSM services across 213 countries and GSM represents 82. 4% of all global mobile connections. According to GSM World, there are now more than 2 billion GSM mobile phone users worldwide. Since many GSM network operators have roaming agreements with foreign operators, users can often continue to use their mobile phones when they travel to other countries. GSM, together with other technologies, is part of the evolution of wireless mobile telecommunications that includes High-Speed Circuit-Switched Data (HCSD), General Packet Radio System (GPRS), Enhanced Data GSM Environment (EDGE), and Universal Mobile Telecommunications Service (UMTS). GPRS: GPRS (General packet radio service) is a packet oriented mobile data service available to users of the 2G cellular communication systems global system for mobile communications (GSM), as well as in the 3G systems. In 2G systems, GPRS provides data rates of 56-114 kbit/s. GPRS data transfer is typically charged per MB of traffic transferred, while data communication via traditional circuit switching is billed per minute of connection time, independent of whether the user actually is using the capacity or is in an idle state. GPRS is a best-effort packet switched service, as opposed to circuit switching, where a certain quality of service (QoS) is guaranteed during the connection for non-mobile users. 2G cellular systems combined with GPRS are often described as 2. 5G, that is, a technology between the second (2G) and third (3G) generations of mobile telephony. It provides moderate speed data transfer, GSM is the only kind of network where GPRS is in use. GPRS is integrated into GSM Release 97 and newer releases. It was originally standardized by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), but now by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). GPRS was developed as a GSM response to the earlier CDPD and i-mode packet switched cellular technologies. W-Lan: A wireless local area network (WLAN) links devices via a wireless distribution method (typically spread-spectrum or OFDM) and usually provides a connection through an access point to the wider internet. This gives users the mobility to move around within a local coverage area and still be connected to the network. Wireless LANs have become popular in the home due to ease of installation and the increasing popularity of laptop computers. Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi (short for ââ¬Å"wireless fidelityâ⬠) is a term for certain types of wireless local area network (WLAN) that use specifications in the 802. 11 family. The term Wi-Fi was created by an organization called the Wi-Fi Alliance, which oversees tests that certify product interoperability. A product that passes the alliance tests is given the label ââ¬Å"Wi-Fi certifiedâ⬠(a registered trademark). Originally, Wi-Fi certification was applicable only to products using the 802. 11b standard. Today, Wi-Fi can apply to products that use any 802. 11 standard. The 802. 11 specifications are part of an evolving set of wireless network standards known as the 802. 11 family. The particular specification under which a Wi-Fi network operates is called the ââ¬Å"flavorâ⬠of the network. Any entity that has a wireless LAN should use security safeguards such as the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption standard, the more recent Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), Internet Protocol Security (IPsec), or a virtual private network (VPN). ALU: An (ALU) Arithmetic Logic Unit is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logical operations. The ALU is a fundamental building block of the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer, and even the simplest microprocessors contain one for purposes such as maintaining timers. The processors found inside modern CPUs and graphics processing units (GPUs) accommodate very powerful and very complex ALUs; a single component may contain a number of ALUs. Mathematician John von Neumann proposed the ALU concept in 1945, when he wrote a report on the foundations for a new computer called the EDVAC. REFRESH RATE: The refresh rate (most commonly the ââ¬Å"vertical refresh rateâ⬠, ââ¬Å"vertical scan rateâ⬠for CRTs) is the number of times in a second that display hardware draws the data. This is distinct from the measure of frame rate in that the refresh rate includes the repeated drawing of identical frames, On CRT displays, increasing the refresh rate decreases flickering, thereby reducing eye strain. However, if a refresh rate is specified that is beyond what is recommended for the display, damage to the display can occur. For computer programs or telemetry, the term is also applied to how frequently a datum is updated with a new external value from another source. RESULATION: The display resolution of a digital television or display device is the number of distinct pixels in each dimension that can be displayed. It can be an ambiguous term especially as the displayed resolution is controlled by all different factors in cathode ray tube (CRT) and flat panel or projection displays using fixed picture-element (pixel) arrays. One use of the term ââ¬Å"display resolutionâ⬠applies to fixed-pixel-array displays such as plasma display panels (PDPs), liquid crystal displays (LCDs), Digital Light Processing (DLP) projectors, or similar technologies, and is simply the physical number of columns and rows of pixels creating the display (e. g. , 1920? 1200). A consequence of having a fixed grid display is that, for multi-format video inputs, all displays need a ââ¬Å"scaling engineâ⬠(a digital video processor that includes a memory array) to match the incoming picture format to the display. PIXEL: A pixel (or picture element) is a single point in a raster image. The pixel is the smallest addressable screen element, it is the smallest unit of picture which can be controlled. Each pixel has its own address. The address of a pixel corresponds to its coordinates. Pixels are normally arranged in a 2-dimensional grid, and are often represented using dots or squares. Each pixel is a sample of an original image, where more samples typically provide more-accurate representations of the original. The intensity of each pixel is variable. In color image systems, a color is typically represented by three or four component intensities such as red, green, and blue, or black. In some contexts (such as descriptions of camera sensors), the term pixel is used to refer to a single scalar element of a multi-component representation (more precisely called a photo site in the camera sensor context, although the neologism sensel is also sometimes used to describe the elements of a digital camera's sensor),[2] while in others the term may refer to the entire set of such component intensities for a spatial position. In color systems that use chrome sub sampling, the multi-component concept of a pixel can become difficult to apply, since the intensity measures for the different color components correspond to different spatial areas in such a representation. The word pixel is based on a contraction of pix (ââ¬Å"picturesâ⬠) and el (for ââ¬Å"elementâ⬠); similar formations with el for ââ¬Å"elementâ⬠include the words: voxel and texel. SCAN-PORT: A port scanner is a software application designed to probe a network host for open ports. This is often used by administrators to verify security policies of their networks and by attackers to identify running services on a host with the view to compromise it. To portscan a host is to scan for listening ports on a single target host. To port sweep is to scan multiple hosts for a specific listening port. The latter is typically used in searching for a specific service, for example, an SQL-based computer worm may port sweep looking for hosts listening on TCP port 1433. HTTP : Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a combination of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol with the SSL/TLS protocol to provide encryption and secure (website security testing) identification of the server. HTTPS connections are often used for payment transactions on the World Wide Web and for sensitive transactions in corporate information systems. HTTP is a request-response standard typical of client-server computing. In HTTP, web browsers or spiders typically act as clients, while an application running on the computer hosting the web site acts as a server. The client, which submits HTTP requests, is also referred to as the user agent. The responding server, which stores or creates resources such as HTML files and images, may be called the origin server. In between the user agent and origin server may be several intermediaries, such as proxies, gateways, and tunnels. SEARCH ENGINE : A program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found. Although earch engine is really a general class of programs, the term is often used to specifically describe systems like Google, Alta Vista and Excite that enable users to search for documents on the World Wide Web and USENET newsgroups. Typically, a search engine works by sending out a spider to fetch as many documents as possible. Another program, called an indexer, then reads these documents and creates an index based on the words contained in each document. Each search engine uses a proprietary algorithm to create its indices such that, ideally, only meaningful results are returned for each query. RTAP : Short for Real Time Streaming Protocol, a standard for controlling streaming data over the World Wide Web. Like H. 323, RTSP uses RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol) to format packets of multimedia content. But whereas H. 323 is designed for videoconferencing of moderately-sized groups, RTSP is designed to efficiently broadcast audio-visual data to large groups. RTSP grew out of work done by Columbia University, Netscape and Real Networks. RSVP : R. S. V. P. stands for a French phrase, ââ¬Å"repondez, s'il vous plait,â⬠which means ââ¬Å"please reply. The person sending the invitation would like you to tell him or her whether you accept or decline the invitation. That is, will you be coming to the event or not? Etiquette rules followed in most Western cultures require that if you receive a formal, written invitation, you should reply promptly, perhaps that same day. For hosts who are planning a dinner party, a wedding or a reception, this is important from a practical po int of view, because they need to know how many people to count on and how much food and drink to buy. More important, though, is the simple courtesy of responding to someone who was nice enough to invite you, even if it is to say that you regret that you will not be able to attend. APPLICATION SERVER : Short for Domain Name System (or Service or Server), an Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses. Because domain names are alphabetic, they're easier to remember. The Internet however, is really based on IP addresses. Every time you use a domain name, therefore, a DNS service must translate the name into the corresponding IP address. For example, the domain name www. example. com might translate to 198. 105. 232. 4. The DNS system is, in fact, its own network. If one DNS server doesn't know how to translate a particular domain name, it asks another one, and so on, until the correct IP address is returned. MAIL-SERVER : A mail server is a computer that serves as an electronic post office for email. Mail exchanged across networks is passed between mail servers that run specially designed software. This software is built around agreed-upon, standardized protocols for handling mail messages, the graphics they might contain, and attachment files. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) each have a mail server for handling their clientsââ¬â¢ mail messages, sometimes referred to as private mail servers. Some websites also offer public email services, utilizing their own mail servers. DNS: The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network. It associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the participants. Most importantly, it translates domain names meaningful to humans into the numerical (binary) identifiers associated with networking equipment for the purpose of locating and addressing these devices worldwide. An often-used analogy to explain the Domain Name System is that it serves as the ââ¬Å"phone bookâ⬠for the Internet by translating human-friendly computer hostnames into IP addresses. For example, www. example. com translates to 192. . 32. 10. The Domain Name System makes it possible to assign domain names to groups of Internet users in a meaningful way, independent of each user's physical location. Because of this, World Wide Web (WWW) hyperlinks and Internet contact information can remain consistent and constant even if the current Internet routing arrangements change or the participant uses a mobile device. Internet domain names are easier to remember than IP addresses such as 2 08. 77. 188. 166 (IPv4) or 2001:db8:1f70::999:de8:7648:6e8 (IPv6). The Domain Name System distributes the responsibility of assigning domain names and mapping those names to IP addresses by designating authoritative name servers for each domain. Authoritative name servers are assigned to be responsible for their particular domains, and in turn can assign other authoritative name servers for their sub-domains. This mechanism has made the DNS distributed and fault tolerant and has helped avoid the need for a single central register to be continually consulted and updated. In general, the Domain Name System also tores other types of information, such as the list of mail servers that accept email for a given Internet domain. By providing a worldwide, distributed keyword-based redirection service, the Domain Name System is an essential component of the functionality of the Internet. Other identifiers such as RFID tags, UPC codes, International characters in email addresses and host names, and a variety of other identifiers could all potentially utilize D NS. The Domain Name System also defines the technical underpinnings of the functionality of this database service. For this purpose it defines the DNS protocol, a detailed specification of the data structures and communication exchanges used in DNS, as part of the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP). Symbian OS: Symbian OS is an operating system (OS) designed for mobile devices and smart phones, with associated libraries, user interface, frameworks and reference implementations of common tools, originally developed by Symbian Ltd. It was a descendant of Psion's EPOC and runs exclusively on ARM processors, although an unreleased x86 port existed. In 2008, the former Symbian Software Limited was acquired by Nokia and a new independent non-profit organisation called the Symbian Foundation was established. Symbian OS and its associated user interfaces S60, UIQ and MOAP(S) were contributed by their owners to the foundation with the objective of creating the Symbian platform as a royalty-free, open source software. The platform has been designated as the successor to Symbian OS, following the official launch of the Symbian Foundation in April 2009. The Symbian platform was officially made available as open source code in February 2010. Devices based on Symbian OS account for 46. 9% of smartphone sales, making it the world's most popular mobile operating system. DE-MORGAN: The law is named after Augustus De Morgan (1806ââ¬â1871)[3] who introduced a formal version of the laws to classical propositional logic. De Morgan's formulation was influenced by algebraization of logic undertaken by George Boole, which later cemented De Morgan's claim to the find. In formal logic, De Morgan's laws are rules relating the logical operators ââ¬Å"andâ⬠and ââ¬Å"orâ⬠in terms of each other via negation, namely: NOT (P OR Q) = (NOT P) AND (NOT Q) NOT (P AND Q) = (NOT P) OR (NOT Q) EBCDIC: Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) is an 8-bit character encoding (code page) used on IBM mainframe operating systems such as z/OS, OS/390, VM and VSE, as well as IBM midrange computer operating systems such as OS/400 and i5/OS (see also Binary Coded Decimal). It is also employed on various non-IBM platforms such as Fujitsu-Siemens' BS2000/OSD, HP MPE/iX, and Unisys MCP. EBCDIC descended from the code used with punched cards and the corresponding six bit binary-coded decimal code used with most of IBM's computer peripherals of the late 1950s and early 1960s. ASCII: Acronym for the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Pronounced ask-ee, ASCII is a code for representing English characters as numbers, with each letter assigned a number from 0 to 127. For example, the ASCII code for uppercase M is 77. Most computers use ASCII codes to represent text, which makes it possible to transfer data from one computer to another. UNICODE: Unicode is a computing industry standard for the consistent representation and manipulation of text expressed in most of the world's writing systems. Developed in conjunction with the Universal Character Set standard and published in book form as The Unicode Standard, the latest version of Unicode consists of a repertoire of more than 107,000 characters covering 90 scripts, a set of code charts for visual reference, an encoding methodology and set of standard character encodings, an enumeration of character properties such as upper and lower case, a set of reference data computer files, and a number of related items, such as character properties, rules for normalization, decomposition, collation, rendering, and bidirectional display order (for the correct display of text containing both right-to-left scripts, such as Arabic or Hebrew, and left-to-right scripts). The Unicode Consortium, the nonprofit organization that coordinates Unicode's development, has the ambitious goal of eventually replacing existing character encoding schemes with Unicode and its standard Unicode Transformation Format (UTF) schemes, as many of the existing schemes are limited in size and scope and are incompatible with multilingual environments. Unicode's success at unifying character sets has led to its widespread and predominant use in the internationalization and localization of computer software. The standard has been implemented in many recent technologies, including XML, the Java programming language, the Microsoft . NET Framework, and modern operating systems. Unicode can be implemented by different character encodings. The most commonly used encodings are UTF-8 (which uses one byte for any ASCII characters, which have the same code values in both UTF-8 and ASCII encoding, and up to four bytes for other characters), the now-obsolete UCS-2 (which uses two bytes for each character but cannot encode every character in the current Unicode standard), and UTF-16 (which extends UCS-2 to handle code points beyond the scope of UCS-2).
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Analysis of the Bottled Water Industry Essay
The shortage of potable water on some islands in the Maldives has been described as ââ¬Å"seriousâ⬠by the national disaster management centre (NDMC). There are currently 12 islands which have been facing water shortages since mid-February, according to Moosa Ali Kaleyfaan, deputy director general of the NDMC. The NDMC has supplied 763 tons of water to eight islands, but four more islands [â⬠¦ ] are in desperate need of water, he said. ââ¬Å"The main reason is it hasnââ¬â¢t rained for a long time itââ¬â¢s the dry season,â⬠said Moosa. ââ¬Å"Even more islands are believed to face this problem. The department of meteorology has forecast the dry season will continue until June [2009]. The NDMC has spent an estimated US$60,000 to supply water to the 12 islands. ââ¬Å"I am very upset with the government because we need water,â⬠said 42-year old Jameela Aboobakuru from Gaafaru. ââ¬Å"We ran out of water, so we borrowed water from our brother. When he ran out of water we started buying bottled water imported from Maleââ¬â¢. â⬠She said her 12-member family was spending US$22 a day to buy bottled water for drinking and cooking; their daily income, she added, was only US$26. On another island, Gulhi, Ahmed Ibrahim, the island office assistant director, said islanders had been importing bottles water from the capital as well as in jerry cans. ââ¬Å"They are getting water somehow,â⬠he said, ââ¬Å"but the island needs a permanent solution to this problem like piped desalinated water. â⬠Kaleyfaan agreed, saying although water was supplied to the islands from Maleââ¬â¢, it was necessary to seek a long-term solution such the installation of a desalination plant on every island. We are already in the process of installing a desalination plant in a boat, so that in emergencies we can supply water by travelling between islands,â⬠he said. [â⬠¦ ] Almost 100 per cent of islanders use rainwater as the main source of drinking and cooking water. In [the capital] Male, 100 per cent of the population has access to piped desalinated water. After the 2004 tsunami, 38 islands were provided desalination plants by UN that are operated daily or on em ergency basis.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Current Events in Business Research Essay Example
Current Events in Business Research Essay Example Current Events in Business Research Essay Current Events in Business Research Essay Essay Topic: Current Current Events in Business Research Name: Course: Institution: Instructor: Date: Current Events on Business Research A business research process refers to the initiative of coming up with business decisions after careful analysis of the business environment such as the company, competitors, the industry, the market and strategies developed with an aim of achieving business goals. These current events on business research are key factors in effective decision making for long-term success in any business. The process involves an overview of a companyââ¬â¢s strengths and weaknesses to determine the required efforts for further development. Current events in business research target market opportunities and revolve around the mitigation of business risk. I experienced the business research process as an employee in a company known as Pacific Computers, which sells computer hardware and offers software services. The company had extensive analytical research studies of the business progress as I witnessed when I was in the sales department. Monthly and annual meetings were held to determine the failures and successes of Pacific Computers. The scale of business performance was measured according to short-term achievements in a bid to affirm strategies of long-term achievements. The scale of business performance was deduced from the results from the business research within and without the organization. A research study in business involves data collection and analysis in a company for managers to make the best decisions that coincide with the companyââ¬â¢s goals (Cooper Schindler, 2010). In Pacific Computers, the senior and departmental managers compiled the data results and stipulated major changes to evaluate and improve business performance. Pacific Computers needed a larger market share than it had already secured in the IT industry. Strategies could only be effective if opportunities in the business environment were explored adequately. Therefore, suggestions given by clients and employees, data on the company and IT industryââ¬â¢s history among others served as the data collected. Subsequently, the managers made logical decisions on improvements such as upgraded software services, re-branding the company, newly developed marketing strategies, differentiation in computer products, advertisements and promotions. The research reports of Pacific Computers included detailed historical financial statements. This enabled the managers to evaluate and assess the profit earnings by comparing the present and the past financial performance of the company in the IT market and industry. The research process was necessary in my fourth year as an employee of Pacific Computers because was opting to lay-off a part of the workforce t o cut on its costs. Fortunately, the data results prompted alternative ideas of increasing the profit margin. Alternative ideas included the introduction of new computer models with high processor speed that could be compatible with the workload of customers, as they suggested according to the data presented. The research gave the management team a new insight on the weaknesses of the major competitors in the IT market and the members deduced a competitive advantage that scooped a large share of the market and increased the companyââ¬â¢s profit margin notably. Decisions made by the management such as outsourcing, restructuring the organization, forming a change agent committee to communicate change, differentiation of computer products, human resource strategies, promotion, community initiatives and advertisement lead to high productivity and a continued culture of high performance in IT business. The implementation of these strategies and the positive outcome in business is evidence that business research fosters strong managerial decisions in an organization or a company (Cooper Schind ler, 2010). By monitoring the current events on business research and examining the data results, Pacific Computers was able to re-establish itself and maintain its business image. Top of Form Bottom of Form
Monday, October 21, 2019
Top 200 Landscaping Vocabulary Words
Top 200 Landscaping Vocabulary Words Here is a list of the top 200 English vocabulary items for the landscaping industry. This selection of vocabulary is based on the Occupational Handbook provided by the United States Department of Labor. Accredited - adjective / Weve applied to an accredited bank for a loan.Actual - adjective / Our actual problem is that the shipment is late.à Additionally - adverb / Additionally, well need three mowers.Agencies - noun / à There are a number of governmental agencies that can help.Aidedà - adjective / à We were aided by a few part time employees.Analyze - verb / à We need to analyze the landscape.Applicatorsà - noun / à Lets use the new applicators for the treatment.Approvedà - adjective / The approved plans call for extra gardening.Architectà - noun / à I have a meeting with the architect tomorrow.Architecturalà - adjective / à The architectural design is outstanding.Architectureà - noun / à Its important to careful consider the buildings architecture.Areaà - noun / à The area beyond the marsh is ready for development.Arrangementà - noun / à Weve made an arrangement for delivery next week.à Athletic - adjective / à The athletic facilities are e xcellent.Baseà - noun / à Lets leave the materials at the base.à Basisà - noun / à The basis for our design is a flower.à Benchà à - noun / à Can you please move that bench over here?Blowerà - noun / à Grab the blower and get ride of the fallen leaves.à Boardà - noun / à Could you pass me that board over there?Budgetà - noun / à Weve gone over budget on this project.à Buildingà - noun / à Youll find him in the building over there.à Businessà - noun / à Our business is based on customer satisfaction.à Campusà à - noun / à The university campus is beautiful.Candidateà à - noun / à We have a few candidates for the job.à Careà - noun / These plants need excellent care.à Cemeteryà à - noun / The cemetery needs to be raked.Centerà - noun / The center of the garden is over there.à Certificationà - noun / à Well need to apply for certification.Chanceà - noun / Theres a good chance we can begin next week.à Chemicalà - noun / à The chemical compound is dangerous.Classà - noun / This falls into a different class.à Clear - adjective / We have a clear objective for next week.à Clientà - noun / à Our client lives in Canada. Climateà - noun / à Well have to wait until the climate gets better.à Clippersà - noun / à Use those clippers to prune the hedge.à Commercial - adjective à / The commercial applications are numerous.à Communicationà - noun / Communication is essential on this job.Completionà - noun / à The completion date is next month.Computerà - noun / à Let me print the invoice out on the computer.à Conditionà - noun / Make sure that all the contractual conditions are met.à Constructionà - noun / à Ill call some to help with the construction.à Contractorà - noun / Well need to hire a new contractor.Councilà - noun / à The council decided against the project.à Createà - verb / à Lets create a space over here.à Credentialsà - noun / à He has excellent credentials.à Deadlineà - noun / The deadline is next week.à Demandà - noun / à The customers demands are numerous.à Designà - noun, verb / à Thats a beautiful design.à Designerà à - noun / Lets meet with the designer next week.à Detailedà - adjective / à Youll find a detailed quote attached to this email.à Diseaseà - noun / Unfortunately, these plants have a disease.à Drainageà - noun / The drainage ends in the pond.à Drawingà - noun / à That drawing will give you a good idea.à Dutyà - noun / à Our duties include weeding and mowing.à Educational - adjective / à I think this meeting will be very educational.Engineerà - noun / à Well need to hire an engineer for this job.à Entryà - noun / à The entry should be raised.à Environmentà - noun / à The environment is very balanced.à Environmentalà - adjective / Make sure to take environmental concerns into account.à Equipmentà - noun / à The gardening equipment was rather expensive.à Essentialà - adjective / à The essential changes will need to be made.à Estimateà - noun / à The estimate seemed very expensive.à Examà - noun / The exam was held last week.à Existingà - adjective / We need to modify the existing structures.à Facilitiesà - noun / The cooking facilities need to be modified.à Featureà - noun / à One beautiful feature is the garden pond.à Federalà - adjective / Federal regulations need to be examined.à Fenceà - noun / à Could you fix my fence?Fertilizerà - noun / à That fertilizer smells horrible.à Fieldà - noun / à There are a few cows in the field.à Firmà - noun / à We hired a firm to help us with advertising.à Flowerà - noun / à What beautiful flowers!Focusà - verb / à Our focus is on green practices.à Fountainà - noun / à The fountain in the square keeps everyone happy.Freshly - adverb / That building has been freshly painted.à Functionalà - adjective / à The functional guidelines are printed on that sheet.à Fungicideà - noun / à Lets use some fungicide on that wall.à Gardenà - noun / à The garden will include potatoes and tomatoes.à Geographicà - adjective / à The geographic location is remote.à Golfà - noun / à Golf is a game for those who like a challenge.à Graduateà - noun, verb / à Hell graduate next year.à Graveà - noun / à That grave needs to be cleaned.à Greenskeepersà - noun / à The gre enskeepers are working on the greens.à Groundsà - noun / Hes somewhere on the grounds.à Groundskeepersà - noun / à The groundskeepers come twice a month.à Handsawà - noun / Lets use a handsaw to cut off that limb.à Healthyà - adjective / Thats a healthy alternative.à Hedgeà - noun / The hedge needs to be trimmed.à Herbicideà - noun / Lets use a herbicide to deal with the weeds.à Hire - verb / We need to hire two new gardeners.à Historicà - adjective / à That historic building is beautiful.à Holdà - verb / à Could you please hold this for me?Homeownerà à - noun / à Homeowners have some concerns in this economy.Horticultureà - noun / à I wish I would have studied horticulture.à Hotelà - noun / à The hotel is located at the end of the street.à Ideaà - noun / à Thats a great idea!Impactà - noun, verb / à What do you think the impact will be?Insecticideà - noun / à Youll need to use an insecticide on that plant.à Institutionalà - adjective / institutional spending has increased.à Institutionà - noun / The institution hired a consulting company.à Interestà - noun / Do you have any interest in a fountain?Internà - noun / à The intern helped us with the design.à Internshipà - noun / à Were offering an internship at the company next week.à Involvedà - adjective / The project is extremely involved and complex.à Landà - noun / The land costs are considerable.Landscapeà - noun, verb / Isnt the landscape lovely?Lawnà à - noun / The lawn needs watering.à Lawnmowerà - noun / Use that lawnmower over there to cut the lawn.à Leafà - noun / That looks like a maple leaf.à Licenseà - noun / Have we got the license yet?Licensedà - adjective / The licensed plumber will be coming soon.à Maintainà - verb / Who will maintain the garden once weve finished?Maintenanceà - noun / à The maintenance will cost about $200 per month.Major - adjective / Thats a major development.Mowà - verb / à Could you mow the lawn this afternoon?Naturalà - adjective / We only use natural products.à Offerà - verb / à Were offering a 20% discount.à Parkingà - noun / The parking is behind the building.à Parkà - noun / à The trees in the park need to be trimmed.à Passà - verb / à Weve passed the exam.à Pesticideà - noun / How much pesticide did you use?Planà - noun / à Our plan is to finish by next week.à Plantà - noun, verb / Please plant these tomatoes in the garden.Playgroundà - noun / à The playground is full of children.à Powerà - noun, verb / We use solar energy to power the house.à Prepareà - verb / à Lets prepare an estimate.à Preventà - verb / à This will prevent moss growing on the lawn.à Procedureà - noun / à We need to review our procedures.à Professionalà - noun, adjective / Hes a professional gardener.à Programà à - noun / à Our program includes monthly maintenance.à Projectà - noun / à The project will take three months to complete.à Prunersà - noun / à Use the pruners to trim the tree.à Publicà - noun, adjective / Public interest has been outstanding.à Qualityà à - noun / à We only provide top quality.à Regional - adjective / à The regional competitors are excellent.à Registrationà - noun / The registration is due by the end of the week.à Restorationà - noun / à The restoration of the buildin g should take two months.à Roadà - noun / à The road needs to be paved.à Safetyà - noun / à Safety is always our first concern.à Sawà - noun, verb / à Use the saw to cut off that limb.à Sectionà - noun / à One section focuses on designing gardens.à Serviceà - noun, verb / à We offer a wide variety of services.à Shrubà - noun / à The shrub is lovely.à Siteà - noun / à The site needs to be reviewed.à Soilà - noun / à The soil is very rich.à Specialistà - noun / à The specialist will be in next week.à Specialize - verb / Id like to specialize in horticulture.à Supervisionà - noun / Project supervision was given to Kevin.à Supervisorà - noun / The supervisor let everyone go home early.à Treeà - noun / That tree needs to be trimmed.à Trimà - verb / Please trim that tree.à Trimmerà à - noun / Use the trimmer on that tree over there.à Turfà - noun / We need some new turn to repair our lawn.à Varietyà à - noun / We have a number of varieties.à Vegetationà - noun / The vegetation is very lush in Oregon.à Walkwayà - noun / à The walkway was paved in stone.à Wetlandsà - noun / The wetlands attract a lot of birds.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Career Guidance
2. compare geographic information and develop hypotheses about the economic development and standard of living in various countries. 3. examine geographic information to test hypotheses. 4. make inferences about other factors that influence the economic development/ standard of living of a country. Standards: 1,11,15,16 Skills: 1,2,4,5 Materials: Maps showing resources Map of Africa Chart showing per capita GNP Pictures to stimulate discussion Procedures: PREPARATION: 1. Label 10 x 13 size envelopes (3 per group) as follows: Group 1 Envelope A Group 1 Envelope B Group 1 Envelope C. Repeat for groups 2 ââ¬â 7. 2. Copy the attached copy of the seven individual countries seven times and make a transparency of it. Cut out the seven map keys and one copy of each individual country. Attach one country and the map key to half a sheet of construction paper and laminate if possible. Place country A in Envelope A for Group 1, country B in Envelope A for Group 2, etc. 3. Make seven copies of a blackline map of Africa and seven copies of a chart showing per capita GNP figures for Africa. Mount the map and the chart on construction paper and also laminate, if possible. Place a copy of the map and the chart in Envelope B for each group. 4. Find pictures to represent the various factors to be discussed (as many as possible). You would need seven pictures to represent each factor (one for each group) or seven copies. Mount these on construction paper and laminate. Place pictures in Envelope C for each group. 71 GROUPS: Divide the class into groups (up to 7). QUESTION: Ask: When you hear the term standard of living, what does it mean to you? After the Discussion, which should include the definition of standard of living (see definitions), explain that the first factor that influences a countryââ¬â¢s standard of living is the material wealth as evidenced by a countryââ¬â¢s natural resources and agricultural products. BRAINSTORM: Distribute the 3 envelopes to each group but ask them not to open any of them until they are asked to do so. Tell them that Envelope A contains the map of an individual country and the map key. All names have been removed so that they will not be able to bring any prior knowledge to this activity. Have them open Envelope A and examine the map and the key. List the resources and products shown and then brainstorm about what can be done with those resources and products and how to obtain anything they need but donââ¬â¢t have. (approximately 5 minutes) MAKE COMPARISONS: Show transparencies of all seven countries. Let each group report. Write their finding on the transparency beside the appropriate country or on the chalkboard. HYPOTHESIZE: Based on the brainstorming, which country is wealthiest? Rate them from 1 to (varies). (Depends on number of groups used). Write the ratings on the transparency. INTRODUCE VOCABULARY: Explain that the reason you examined the resources and products of each country first is that a countryââ¬â¢s resources and products influence the material wealth and therefore the economic development and standard of living of a country. One measure of a countryââ¬â¢s standard of living is per capita GNP. Define per capita GNP. (See definitions) EXAMINE MAP AND CHART: Tell your groups to open Envelope B. Compare the map of Africa and identify the particular country they were working with. They should raise their hands and tell you so you can mark it on the transparency as soon as they find it. Then ask them to look up their countryââ¬â¢s per capita GNP and add it to the information already on the transparency. Now check your hypotheses. How do the countries really rate? If all is well, you should have them rated incorrectly so you can point out that there are other factors that playa part. (See introduction. ) EXAMINE PICTURES: In Envelope C, which may be opened now, you will find pictures related to a countryââ¬â¢s standard of living. Take about 2 minutes to identify the factor each picture represents. Put a list on the overhead and tell your groups that they are now going to draw some conclusions about these factors and how they influence a countryââ¬â¢s standard of living. (If you made copies of pictures you may want to put the originals up in the room and/or make transparencies of them). 72 DRAW CONCLUSIONS: Have groups discuss and come to some conclusions about how each of the factors influence a countryââ¬â¢s economic development/standard of living. Then ask about any other factors they can think of. See attached list as a hint but there may be others). VOCABULARY: Economic systems ââ¬â the approach or technique that a country uses to deal with scarcity and achieve its economic goals. Standard of Living -ca measure of the amount of good and services an individual or group considers essential to well-being. GNP or gross national product ââ¬â a measure of the value of all the good and services pro duced by a nation in a given time period, usually one year. Per capita GNP ââ¬â GNP is divided by the population. The amount of money per person the people of a country or in a certain region earn. Life expectancy ââ¬â the average number of years people can be expected to live. Literacy rate ââ¬â the ratio of the number of people in a population who can read and write of the total number of persons in a population. Birth rate ââ¬â the ratio of the number of live births during one year to the total population, expressed as the number of births per year per 1000 population. Death rate (mortality rate) ââ¬â the ratio of the number of deaths during one year to the total population, expressed as the number of deaths per year per 1000 population. Infant mortality rate ââ¬â the ratio consisting of the annual number of deaths of infants not over one year old to the total number of live births during that year. Infrastructure ââ¬â the basic structure of services, installations, and facilities needed to support industrial, and other economic development; included are transport and communications, along with water, power, and other public utilities. Natural increase ââ¬â the number of births in a country minus the number of deaths Population growth rate ââ¬â natural increase plus migration into a country minus migration out ofa country. o FACTORS INTRODUCED IN PICTURES: . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Water (affects the economic and agricultural development) Sanitation (affects health and life expectancy) Health care (affects life expectancy, infant mortality rate, birth rate, death rate) Population growth (natural increase and population growth rate) Nutrition (affects health and life expectancy) Education (affects literacy rate ) SOME OTHER POSSIBLE FACTORS: 1. War 2. Infrastructure 3. Political instability 4. Environment/topography 73 o L I o I I iii , I 200 400 600 ! , , 800 Miles I I 400 800 Kilometers 74 Activity 2 â⬠1 Vââ¬â¢ ~ cattle Coal Cocoa Coffee .. /Itt:; ?ââ¬â¢ Diamonds FISh Gold . Grapes Iron Oreà · c:::J e P8Irn Oil Peanuts RIce Sheep e .! iââ¬â¢t .0 a ~. ~ Com Cotton Copper Oat.. I 1 â⬠¢ â⬠~ dfI Lumber Oil Other City IA , â⬠¢ Tea Tobacco Identify each country based on shape and resources Note: Shapes are accurate but country size is not to scale Wheat Capital 75 Western Sahara Tunisia Sudan Libyaà · Morocco Egypt N. AFRICA Algeria 0. 25 9. 619 29. 49 . 5. 114 28. 778 68. 344 31. 471 173 Population midà ·2000 (millions) 2. 86 1. 58 2. 16 1. 69 2. 48 1. 98 2. 36 2 Natural Increase (annual %) 24 44 32 41 28 35 29 34 ââ¬Å"Doubling Timeâ⬠in years 150 35 69. 5 37 33. 3 52. 44 51 Infant Mortality Rate 0 B C B B B B Data Availability Code 61 N/A 27 54 86 44 49 46 Percent Urban 47 69 51 69 75 65 69 64 Life Expectancy at Birth, Total 35 N/A 43 34 40 37 39 38 Percent of Population of Age 15 2060 N/A 290 1240 1290 nla 1550 1200 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USD Population midà ·2000 (millions) Natural Increase (annual %) ââ¬Å" Doubling Timeâ⬠in years Infant Mortality Rate Data Availability Code Percent Urban Life Expectancy at Birth, Total Percent of Population of Age 15 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USO Guinea Ghana Burk. Faso Cape Verele Cote dââ¬â¢lvoirE Gambia W. AFRICA Benin 19. 534 1. 05 15. 98 0. 401 11. 946 6. 396 234. 456 2. 4 2. 41 2. 19 2. 82 2. 94 2. 83 2. 8 29 29 32 25 24 24 25 56. 2 130 76. 9 112. 2 105. 3 93. 9 89 C C B B C B B 37 37 46 44 15 38 35 58 45 47 68 47 50 51 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 340 390 700 240 1200 380 340 7. 466 2. 38 29 98 ~ 26 45 3 530 N. AFRICA Population midà ·2000 (millions) Continued Natural Increase (annual %) ââ¬Å"Doubling Timeâ⬠in years Infant Mortality Rate Data Availability Code Percent Urban Life Expectancy at Birth, Total Percent of Population of Age 15 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USO Nigeria Senegal Mali Mauritania Niger Liberia G. Bissau 10. 076 11. 234 2. 7 123. 338 3. 164 1. 213 2. 97 3. 23 3. 1 2. 72 2. 84 2. 22 25 23 21 22 24 31 123. 1 139. 1 122. 5 92 77. 2 130 C C C C C C C 45 26 54 17 22 36 50 53 54 41 45 52 4 4 3 2 4 3 410 200 160 N/A 250 300 ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â 9. 481 2. 79 25 67. 7 41 52 3 520 ââ¬Å"â⬠ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬âââ¬Ëââ¬âââ¬â~-~~ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â Congo, Oem. Equatorial Guinea Congo Cameroon Cen. Af. Rep Chad MIDà ·AFRICA Angola 0. 453 51. 965 2. 831 3. 513 7. 977 15. 422 Population mldà ·2000 (millions) 96. 425 12. 878 2. 4S 2. 4 3. 19 3. 29 Natural Increase (annual %) 2. 58 à ·2. 03 2. 96 3 28 29 22 21 ââ¬Å"Doubling Timeâ⬠in years 34 27 23 23 108. 108 108. 6 109. 8 Infant Mortality Rate 96. 7 125 77 106 C 0 C B C Data Availability Code C 0 41 29 37 Percent Urban 44 39 22 32 32 48 49 50 Life Expectancy at Birth, Total 48 55 45 47 49 43 48 43 Percent of Population of Age 15 44 43 44 46 48 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USD 680 110 610 300 230 1110 320 380 Namibia South Africa MID_AFRICA Gabon Sao Tome S. A FRICA Botswana Lesotho 2. 143 1. 771 Population midà ·2000 (millions) 0. 16 49. 915 1. 576 continued 1. 226 2. 07 1. 667 Natural Increase (annual %) 3. 4 1. 3 1. 55 2. 16 33 45 42 ââ¬Å"Doubling Timeâ⬠in years 20 52 32 84. 5 68. 3 57. 50. 8 51 Infant Mortality Rate 87 C B B Data Availability Code C C B Percent Urban 16 49 73 44 42 27 Life Expectancy at Birth, Total 53 64 54 44 46 52 Percent of Population of Age 15 47 41 35 41 44 39 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USD 270 570 4170 3100 3070 1940 I 43. 421 1. 27 55 45. 4 i 45 551 34 3310 (:: S. AFRICA à ·Populatlon mldà ·2000 (millions) continued Natural Increase (annual %) ââ¬Å"Doubling Timeâ⬠in years Infant Mortality Rate Data Availability Code Percent- Urban Life Expectancy at Birth, Total Percent of Population of Age 15 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USD Swaziland 1. 004 1. 5 37 107. 7 C 22 38 47 à ·1400 ââ¬â- ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â N. AFRICA Population mid-2000 (millions) continued Natural Increase (annual %) ââ¬Å"Doublin g Timeâ⬠in years Infant Mortality Rate Data Availability Code Percent Urban Life Expectancy at Birth, Total Percent of Population of Age 15 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USD Sierra Leone Togo E. AFRICA Burundi Comoros Djibouti Eritrea 5. 019 246. 235 0. 578 0. 638 5. 233 6. 054 2. 78 2. 64 3. 07 2. 4 2. 28 2. 49 23 25 26 29 28 30 79. 7 157 102 74. 8 77. 3 115 C C B 0 C C 31 37 20 29 8 83 49 45 46 59 48 47 . 48 3 45 42 3 41 370 N/A 140 3~0 140 4. 14~ 2. 9~ 2~ 1. S 1e 55 43 200 Population mid-2000 . (millions) Natural Increase (annual %) ââ¬Å"Doubling Timeâ⬠In years Infant Mortality Rate Data Availability Code Percent Urban Life Expectancy at Birth, Total Percent of Population of Age 15 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USD E. AFRICA continued Madagascar Malawi Mauritus Mozambique Reunion Kenya Ethiopia 30. 34 14. 858 1. 189 19. 105 10. 385 64. 117 2. 105 2. 943 2. 19 2. 4 1. 91 ââ¬Ë1. 05 33 29 24 36 66 32 73. 7 96. 3 126. 8 19. 4 133. 9 116 B C A B B C B 20 43 28 15 22 20 49 46 52 39 70 40 N/A 46 45 26 45 46 46 350 260 100 3730 210 210 N/A 0. 716 1. 1 49 9 73 30. ~ E. AFRICA Population mld-2000 (millions) continued Natural Increase (annual %) Iâ⬠Doubling Timeâ⬠in years Infant Mortality Rate Data Availability Code Percent Urban Life Expectancy at Birth, Total Percent of Population of Age 15 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USD Seychelles Somalia Uganda Rwanda Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe 0. 082 7. 229 7. 253 35. 306 23. 318 9. 582 2. 29 1. 07 2. 87 2. 86 2. 88 1. 96 65 30 24 24 24 35 120. 9 8. 5 125. 8 98. 8 81. 3 109 0 0 B C B B B 5 59 24 20 15 38 39 N/A 46 53 42 37 28 45 44 49 45 45 6420 N/A 230 220 310 330 11. 343 1 69 80 32 40 44 620 Career Guidance 2. compare geographic information and develop hypotheses about the economic development and standard of living in various countries. 3. examine geographic information to test hypotheses. 4. make inferences about other factors that influence the economic development/ standard of living of a country. Standards: 1,11,15,16 Skills: 1,2,4,5 Materials: Maps showing resources Map of Africa Chart showing per capita GNP Pictures to stimulate discussion Procedures: PREPARATION: 1. Label 10 x 13 size envelopes (3 per group) as follows: Group 1 Envelope A Group 1 Envelope B Group 1 Envelope C. Repeat for groups 2 ââ¬â 7. 2. Copy the attached copy of the seven individual countries seven times and make a transparency of it. Cut out the seven map keys and one copy of each individual country. Attach one country and the map key to half a sheet of construction paper and laminate if possible. Place country A in Envelope A for Group 1, country B in Envelope A for Group 2, etc. 3. Make seven copies of a blackline map of Africa and seven copies of a chart showing per capita GNP figures for Africa. Mount the map and the chart on construction paper and also laminate, if possible. Place a copy of the map and the chart in Envelope B for each group. 4. Find pictures to represent the various factors to be discussed (as many as possible). You would need seven pictures to represent each factor (one for each group) or seven copies. Mount these on construction paper and laminate. Place pictures in Envelope C for each group. 71 GROUPS: Divide the class into groups (up to 7). QUESTION: Ask: When you hear the term standard of living, what does it mean to you? After the Discussion, which should include the definition of standard of living (see definitions), explain that the first factor that influences a countryââ¬â¢s standard of living is the material wealth as evidenced by a countryââ¬â¢s natural resources and agricultural products. BRAINSTORM: Distribute the 3 envelopes to each group but ask them not to open any of them until they are asked to do so. Tell them that Envelope A contains the map of an individual country and the map key. All names have been removed so that they will not be able to bring any prior knowledge to this activity. Have them open Envelope A and examine the map and the key. List the resources and products shown and then brainstorm about what can be done with those resources and products and how to obtain anything they need but donââ¬â¢t have. (approximately 5 minutes) MAKE COMPARISONS: Show transparencies of all seven countries. Let each group report. Write their finding on the transparency beside the appropriate country or on the chalkboard. HYPOTHESIZE: Based on the brainstorming, which country is wealthiest? Rate them from 1 to (varies). (Depends on number of groups used). Write the ratings on the transparency. INTRODUCE VOCABULARY: Explain that the reason you examined the resources and products of each country first is that a countryââ¬â¢s resources and products influence the material wealth and therefore the economic development and standard of living of a country. One measure of a countryââ¬â¢s standard of living is per capita GNP. Define per capita GNP. (See definitions) EXAMINE MAP AND CHART: Tell your groups to open Envelope B. Compare the map of Africa and identify the particular country they were working with. They should raise their hands and tell you so you can mark it on the transparency as soon as they find it. Then ask them to look up their countryââ¬â¢s per capita GNP and add it to the information already on the transparency. Now check your hypotheses. How do the countries really rate? If all is well, you should have them rated incorrectly so you can point out that there are other factors that playa part. (See introduction. ) EXAMINE PICTURES: In Envelope C, which may be opened now, you will find pictures related to a countryââ¬â¢s standard of living. Take about 2 minutes to identify the factor each picture represents. Put a list on the overhead and tell your groups that they are now going to draw some conclusions about these factors and how they influence a countryââ¬â¢s standard of living. (If you made copies of pictures you may want to put the originals up in the room and/or make transparencies of them). 72 DRAW CONCLUSIONS: Have groups discuss and come to some conclusions about how each of the factors influence a countryââ¬â¢s economic development/standard of living. Then ask about any other factors they can think of. See attached list as a hint but there may be others). VOCABULARY: Economic systems ââ¬â the approach or technique that a country uses to deal with scarcity and achieve its economic goals. Standard of Living -ca measure of the amount of good and services an individual or group considers essential to well-being. GNP or gross national product ââ¬â a measure of the value of all the good and services pro duced by a nation in a given time period, usually one year. Per capita GNP ââ¬â GNP is divided by the population. The amount of money per person the people of a country or in a certain region earn. Life expectancy ââ¬â the average number of years people can be expected to live. Literacy rate ââ¬â the ratio of the number of people in a population who can read and write of the total number of persons in a population. Birth rate ââ¬â the ratio of the number of live births during one year to the total population, expressed as the number of births per year per 1000 population. Death rate (mortality rate) ââ¬â the ratio of the number of deaths during one year to the total population, expressed as the number of deaths per year per 1000 population. Infant mortality rate ââ¬â the ratio consisting of the annual number of deaths of infants not over one year old to the total number of live births during that year. Infrastructure ââ¬â the basic structure of services, installations, and facilities needed to support industrial, and other economic development; included are transport and communications, along with water, power, and other public utilities. Natural increase ââ¬â the number of births in a country minus the number of deaths Population growth rate ââ¬â natural increase plus migration into a country minus migration out ofa country. o FACTORS INTRODUCED IN PICTURES: . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Water (affects the economic and agricultural development) Sanitation (affects health and life expectancy) Health care (affects life expectancy, infant mortality rate, birth rate, death rate) Population growth (natural increase and population growth rate) Nutrition (affects health and life expectancy) Education (affects literacy rate ) SOME OTHER POSSIBLE FACTORS: 1. War 2. Infrastructure 3. Political instability 4. Environment/topography 73 o L I o I I iii , I 200 400 600 ! , , 800 Miles I I 400 800 Kilometers 74 Activity 2 â⬠1 Vââ¬â¢ ~ cattle Coal Cocoa Coffee .. /Itt:; ?ââ¬â¢ Diamonds FISh Gold . Grapes Iron Oreà · c:::J e P8Irn Oil Peanuts RIce Sheep e .! iââ¬â¢t .0 a ~. ~ Com Cotton Copper Oat.. I 1 â⬠¢ â⬠~ dfI Lumber Oil Other City IA , â⬠¢ Tea Tobacco Identify each country based on shape and resources Note: Shapes are accurate but country size is not to scale Wheat Capital 75 Western Sahara Tunisia Sudan Libyaà · Morocco Egypt N. AFRICA Algeria 0. 25 9. 619 29. 49 . 5. 114 28. 778 68. 344 31. 471 173 Population midà ·2000 (millions) 2. 86 1. 58 2. 16 1. 69 2. 48 1. 98 2. 36 2 Natural Increase (annual %) 24 44 32 41 28 35 29 34 ââ¬Å"Doubling Timeâ⬠in years 150 35 69. 5 37 33. 3 52. 44 51 Infant Mortality Rate 0 B C B B B B Data Availability Code 61 N/A 27 54 86 44 49 46 Percent Urban 47 69 51 69 75 65 69 64 Life Expectancy at Birth, Total 35 N/A 43 34 40 37 39 38 Percent of Population of Age 15 2060 N/A 290 1240 1290 nla 1550 1200 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USD Population midà ·2000 (millions) Natural Increase (annual %) ââ¬Å" Doubling Timeâ⬠in years Infant Mortality Rate Data Availability Code Percent Urban Life Expectancy at Birth, Total Percent of Population of Age 15 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USO Guinea Ghana Burk. Faso Cape Verele Cote dââ¬â¢lvoirE Gambia W. AFRICA Benin 19. 534 1. 05 15. 98 0. 401 11. 946 6. 396 234. 456 2. 4 2. 41 2. 19 2. 82 2. 94 2. 83 2. 8 29 29 32 25 24 24 25 56. 2 130 76. 9 112. 2 105. 3 93. 9 89 C C B B C B B 37 37 46 44 15 38 35 58 45 47 68 47 50 51 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 340 390 700 240 1200 380 340 7. 466 2. 38 29 98 ~ 26 45 3 530 N. AFRICA Population midà ·2000 (millions) Continued Natural Increase (annual %) ââ¬Å"Doubling Timeâ⬠in years Infant Mortality Rate Data Availability Code Percent Urban Life Expectancy at Birth, Total Percent of Population of Age 15 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USO Nigeria Senegal Mali Mauritania Niger Liberia G. Bissau 10. 076 11. 234 2. 7 123. 338 3. 164 1. 213 2. 97 3. 23 3. 1 2. 72 2. 84 2. 22 25 23 21 22 24 31 123. 1 139. 1 122. 5 92 77. 2 130 C C C C C C C 45 26 54 17 22 36 50 53 54 41 45 52 4 4 3 2 4 3 410 200 160 N/A 250 300 ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â 9. 481 2. 79 25 67. 7 41 52 3 520 ââ¬Å"â⬠ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬âââ¬Ëââ¬âââ¬â~-~~ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â Congo, Oem. Equatorial Guinea Congo Cameroon Cen. Af. Rep Chad MIDà ·AFRICA Angola 0. 453 51. 965 2. 831 3. 513 7. 977 15. 422 Population mldà ·2000 (millions) 96. 425 12. 878 2. 4S 2. 4 3. 19 3. 29 Natural Increase (annual %) 2. 58 à ·2. 03 2. 96 3 28 29 22 21 ââ¬Å"Doubling Timeâ⬠in years 34 27 23 23 108. 108 108. 6 109. 8 Infant Mortality Rate 96. 7 125 77 106 C 0 C B C Data Availability Code C 0 41 29 37 Percent Urban 44 39 22 32 32 48 49 50 Life Expectancy at Birth, Total 48 55 45 47 49 43 48 43 Percent of Population of Age 15 44 43 44 46 48 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USD 680 110 610 300 230 1110 320 380 Namibia South Africa MID_AFRICA Gabon Sao Tome S. A FRICA Botswana Lesotho 2. 143 1. 771 Population midà ·2000 (millions) 0. 16 49. 915 1. 576 continued 1. 226 2. 07 1. 667 Natural Increase (annual %) 3. 4 1. 3 1. 55 2. 16 33 45 42 ââ¬Å"Doubling Timeâ⬠in years 20 52 32 84. 5 68. 3 57. 50. 8 51 Infant Mortality Rate 87 C B B Data Availability Code C C B Percent Urban 16 49 73 44 42 27 Life Expectancy at Birth, Total 53 64 54 44 46 52 Percent of Population of Age 15 47 41 35 41 44 39 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USD 270 570 4170 3100 3070 1940 I 43. 421 1. 27 55 45. 4 i 45 551 34 3310 (:: S. AFRICA à ·Populatlon mldà ·2000 (millions) continued Natural Increase (annual %) ââ¬Å"Doubling Timeâ⬠in years Infant Mortality Rate Data Availability Code Percent- Urban Life Expectancy at Birth, Total Percent of Population of Age 15 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USD Swaziland 1. 004 1. 5 37 107. 7 C 22 38 47 à ·1400 ââ¬â- ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â N. AFRICA Population mid-2000 (millions) continued Natural Increase (annual %) ââ¬Å"Doublin g Timeâ⬠in years Infant Mortality Rate Data Availability Code Percent Urban Life Expectancy at Birth, Total Percent of Population of Age 15 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USD Sierra Leone Togo E. AFRICA Burundi Comoros Djibouti Eritrea 5. 019 246. 235 0. 578 0. 638 5. 233 6. 054 2. 78 2. 64 3. 07 2. 4 2. 28 2. 49 23 25 26 29 28 30 79. 7 157 102 74. 8 77. 3 115 C C B 0 C C 31 37 20 29 8 83 49 45 46 59 48 47 . 48 3 45 42 3 41 370 N/A 140 3~0 140 4. 14~ 2. 9~ 2~ 1. S 1e 55 43 200 Population mid-2000 . (millions) Natural Increase (annual %) ââ¬Å"Doubling Timeâ⬠In years Infant Mortality Rate Data Availability Code Percent Urban Life Expectancy at Birth, Total Percent of Population of Age 15 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USD E. AFRICA continued Madagascar Malawi Mauritus Mozambique Reunion Kenya Ethiopia 30. 34 14. 858 1. 189 19. 105 10. 385 64. 117 2. 105 2. 943 2. 19 2. 4 1. 91 ââ¬Ë1. 05 33 29 24 36 66 32 73. 7 96. 3 126. 8 19. 4 133. 9 116 B C A B B C B 20 43 28 15 22 20 49 46 52 39 70 40 N/A 46 45 26 45 46 46 350 260 100 3730 210 210 N/A 0. 716 1. 1 49 9 73 30. ~ E. AFRICA Population mld-2000 (millions) continued Natural Increase (annual %) Iâ⬠Doubling Timeâ⬠in years Infant Mortality Rate Data Availability Code Percent Urban Life Expectancy at Birth, Total Percent of Population of Age 15 GNP Per Capita, 1998 USD Seychelles Somalia Uganda Rwanda Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe 0. 082 7. 229 7. 253 35. 306 23. 318 9. 582 2. 29 1. 07 2. 87 2. 86 2. 88 1. 96 65 30 24 24 24 35 120. 9 8. 5 125. 8 98. 8 81. 3 109 0 0 B C B B B 5 59 24 20 15 38 39 N/A 46 53 42 37 28 45 44 49 45 45 6420 N/A 230 220 310 330 11. 343 1 69 80 32 40 44 620
Friday, October 18, 2019
Perform a task analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Perform a task analysis - Assignment Example One can get information about task identification by observing people using the product (or recalling how the person uses the product) or from the productââ¬â¢s technical documentation (especially user manual). This is followed by task classification into initial setup, product use, troubleshooting and maintenance, which is followed by task prioritization. The final part of task analysis is the development of task scenarios or task sequence, which arranges product tasks into the way they operate (Fain, 2006). This paper develops task analysis for a mobile phone. The primary goal of using a mobile phone is to communicate with other people having mobile phones by calling them, receiving calls from them, texting or receiving text messages from them. A mobile phone also stores date and time and it helps a person to know date and time. Other functions of the mobile phone include reminding a person about important activities, such as meeting, acting as an alarm to help someone to wake up as desired or perform a desired task at a given time and listening to songs stored in the mobile phone. Task prioritization is based on the importance of the task. For instance, communicating is considered the primary goal of the mobile phone, and it is, therefore given first priority. Second priority tasks are secondary tasks while third priority tasks are tertiary and are not necessary. Fain, W. B. (2006). Georgia Tech Research Institute Accessibility Monograph Series: A Study of Accessibility Issues and Potential Design Solutions for Designers, Procurement Officials, and Consumers. Georgia Tech Research
Recent Global Economic crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words
Recent Global Economic crisis - Essay Example have stories to share with my off springs, whereby, I can tell them that I have seen the world economy booming as it has been over the past few years, and then see it moving down into deep recession somewhere from the mid of 2007. I seek tremendous interest in economy and economics, and this kind of a mega event is truly something that will not be forgotten in the books for a long time. My aspiration for this ââ¬Ëmessââ¬â¢ comes from the times when I read about the Great Depression in various text books, saw pictures of those times, read analytics and various texts related to the strategies that led to it, how the affected and concerned people and groups tried formulating strategies to move out of the ââ¬Ëmessââ¬â¢, the failing strategies, the successful strategies and so on. Other than that, what also aspired me was how nations fell into the ââ¬Ëmessââ¬â¢ and how the magnitude of hit varied from nation to nation. Over all, that whole era was an aspiration to me, making me think how would I react under these circumstances as a common man, as a student, as a strategy formulator or even as a nationââ¬â¢s head. Though not a pleasant moment, but I have been given this chance to re-live the Great Depression and get a feel of things and how the difference can be made. Globalization: Globalization is the single variable that has turned the world into a global village, and merged the economies into a global economy. Thus, globalization is a critical concept while discussing the ââ¬Ëmesses. Conflict: Conflicts of interest and of thoughts and ideas is what actually leads to a ââ¬Ëmessââ¬â¢ and this one is no exception. There is a big conflict of interest in the growing wealth of an individual vs. the growing wealth of a nation, as certain portion of the former has to be sacrificed as taxes for a nation, and as interest for banks to keep moving, as an example. National taxes are proportional to the wealth, but bank interest is similar to a clock that keeps ticking, irrespective of the
Immigration to America after the Civil War Essay
Immigration to America after the Civil War - Essay Example Immigrations to the United States after the Civil War had many economic benefits and a few negative implications to the country. Labor was at the center of focus after the abolition of the slave trade. An aberration from the trend seen in 1860, the number of workers compared to the total population rose from 33% to 40%, this represented growth by a factor of 2.7 between 1870 and 1920 (Walton & Rockoff 319). This prompted need for labor that ended up facilitating migration of people to the United States. The lives of the people who worked as slaves were fully transformed since there was no more forced labor. On the other hand, the large-scale farmers had a difficult moment adjusting to the new system of operations. This led to failure of some and rising of small-scale producers, who took advantage of the labor boycott by the slaves. The deficit created in terms of labor attracted foreigners who came to America in large numbers. In addition, the situation was aggravated by other extern al factors as the Irish Potato Famine in Ireland. The rise in population because of immigration acted as a catalyst to the rise of the rapid industrialization experienced between 1877 and 1900. The number of immigrants rose to more than seven million during the period. This was accompanied by a tremendous increase in population from 49 million in 1880 to 76 million in 1900 (White 1). The immigrants occupied most parts of America except the southern parts that were fully occupied by American farmers and industrialists. Many industries came up while those affected by the war restructured prompting the demand for additional labor. New production processes were initiated and research was intensified in order to facilitate industrial development. By 1900, many industries stood tall in provision of quality goods and services. This enhanced competition and trade (White 1). Increasing population facilitated a change in the demand and supply dynamics. The increased population provided a broa d market for goods and services, a factor that made it possible to increase the supply. In order, to take care of the supply needs individuals and corporate emerged with solutions to handle the increased supply. There was need for shelter that facilitated initiation of housing projects, need for food that boosted agriculture, the need for clothing facilitated the revamping of cotton farming and establishments of ginneries among other establishments. This demand created high production that facilitated trade within the country as well as opened new frontiers of business especially in Europe (White 1). The immigration rate was a blessing in disguise, since some of the immigrants helped reconnect America with their mother countries hence facilitating knowledge sharing and trading activities. Surplus production increased tremendously. Immigrations to the United States triggered economic changes that were politically motivated. It is worth noting that during the Civil War, there was a gr eat rift between the people of the southern parts of United States and the federal government under Abraham Lincoln. The people of south had an ideological difference with the leadership of the federal government since they wanted to retain slave trade (Digital History 2). Immigration facilitated an anti-democratic movement that was meant to put restriction on voting rights. The movement
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Education - Communication with Families Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Education - Communication with Families - Essay Example Also, the teacher has provided translators for parents whose first language is not English. Since ââ¬Å"translatorsâ⬠is plural, it is possible the teacher arranged for translators of more than a single language to be present at the meeting. Also, the teacher announces a willingness to stay late one day a week until 8:00 PM. Showing sensitivity to parents provides instant benefits. Thanking attendees for their presence is a basic element in many addresses, because it focuses attention on the audience and the effort they made to get to the meeting. As Mendoza (2003) notes, geographic distances can be difficult for some parents to cross so they can get to school events. By providing translators, the teacher is indicating an understanding that language barriers might exist and need to be addressed. This action says, ââ¬Å"Those of you who canââ¬â¢t speak English deserve to know this, too.â⬠The teacherââ¬â¢s willingness to stay late once a week would positively affect parents who could not make it to the school during regular school hours. Mendoza (2003) cites a study that showed how the structure of the school day limited information exchange to transition periods. A meeting at 6:00 PM would be more peaceful and productive for both parties than a hurried exchange in the parking circle at 3:00 PM. While the speaker clearly has good intentions, the speech is not without examples of insensitivity. The teacher states, ââ¬Å"E-mail is one of the best ways for us to communicate!â⬠This is only true for homes with Internet access, though. Students in households with low incomes might not have such access. Also, while the teacher has not peppered the speech with jargon, it is still not free from confusing vocabulary such as ââ¬Å"state education office,â⬠ââ¬Å"national standards,â⬠and ââ¬Å"country reports,â⬠though she does make an attempt to explain her ââ¬Å"disclosure documentâ⬠(there has got to be a friendlier name for that!). Such
PRODUCT REASSESSMENT Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
PRODUCT REASSESSMENT - Research Paper Example In this article, I will use an example of a company called Bodywise Health spa. Bodywise Health spa is an organization offering a complete day spa and body workout experiences to small medium sized businesses that offer health services to their employees. The spa will offer massage in different variety of styles including traditional massage, deep tissue work, hot stone massage, pregnancy, reflexology, sports and others. (Bplans, 2010). Treatments on body and face using the best products such as Pevoniaââ¬â¢s Anti Free Radical Treatment and Vitamin C Antioxidant Facial are offered by the health spa. The latter also uses special latest techniques and anti aging products. The challenge The product to be marketed by Bodywise Health spa will include body creams and jellies, which have different purposes on the body. The spaââ¬â¢s mission is to ensure that the client get their value work through quality services. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the customer does not only comes b ack once but more and more often, not forgetting other referrals. The spas main strategy is to use any opportunity available in the market their products and services to customers. Best products on creams and lotions will be used. A classy environment that is relaxing, comfortable and enhanced by smooth music, lighting, decor will be available. Feedback mechanism will also be used to get clientââ¬â¢s needs (Afuah, 2004). ... Turnover will be a major consideration in formulating which marketing strategies to be used. Their type and their numbers are also equally important so as to bring a variety of the products to fit in the various types of customers. It will target potential clients both male and female within ten mile radius within our location at a busy plaza in the city. Both individual employees/self employed and non employed employees are also placed in the plan. In order to acquire clients, the spas will implement a very aggressive marketing and networking in the business community through advertising in the media and going to the business premises to carry out presentations, followed by offering the best services in the health spa business. Skilled therapists and trainers include the personnel. Their prices are also competitive in the area so will give a better financial advantage. Pricing approach includes; penetration pricing, promotional pricing and premium pricing. Penetration pricing is nor mally put first and includes setting the prices very low to gain market share. Promotional pricing comes in order to enable the business to buy for long term. Premium pricing will be used lastly which involves setting a very high price of the unique product to gain competitive advantage from the other competitors in the market. Social sites like face book, twitter, you\tube will be of great marketing help, and also in the companyââ¬â¢s website. Sales promotion using short term incentives to encourage business to respond and undertake some activity and personal contact between Bodywise Health spa and prospective business clients through face to face meetings and tele-marketing will help maintain they spas competitive edge. The success of the business is
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Plant and People Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Plant and People - Term Paper Example Opium poppy has both negative and positive effects of opium poppy upon human society (Chouvy, 2010). The negative effects of opium poppy include terrorism, wars, international politics, crime, addiction and dependence, health problems, and negative economic issues, and the positive effects include the manufacture of drugs and for homeopathy. Negative effects of opium poppy Terrorism Opium poppy is the source of opium, which is a narcotic drug. Narcotic drugs are illegal in most countries across the world (United Nations, 2009). Therefore, many countries consider the trading of narcotics as illegal and take actions against those individuals who take part in drug trafficking. However, violence, corruption, and subversion have increasingly impeded the international narcotics control efforts. Violence increases when efforts begin to have an effect on the trafficking operations (Davids, 2002). Various countries have put more effort towards identifying those groups and individuals who atte mpt to undermine the struggle against trafficking of narcotics. Such groups can include those groups, which finance their terrorist actions through profits they acquire from the narcotics trade; groups that actively engage themselves in narcotics trafficking and use terrorist activities to sustain or enhance their positions; and groups that the narcotics traffickers organize randomly to resort to terrorist activities and violence to enhance and protect their criminal enterprise. Most of the countries that produce narcotics have political insurgents, who quite often use terrorist techniques and have become involved indirectly or directly with production and trafficking of narcotics (Davids, 2002). There are close relationships between narcotics trafficking, terrorist groups, and arms smuggling, especially in the Middle East. According to Davids (2002), there is some evidence of state-sponsored trafficking of narcotics. In a few cases, the further evidence is that some of the communis t nations have engaged to some extent in facilitating the trafficking of narcotics. Terrorism refers to the use of violence or threats to apply violence as a political weapon to attain control, to influence government policy, or to destabilize and overthrow governments (Davids, 2002). The legal definition of terrorism may not be precise in describing narcotics traffickers and their organizations. However, the tactics they employ at times are equal to, or exceed those tactics that terrorist organizations use. Most of the groups involved with narcotics production or trafficking do not meet the traditional or legal definitions of "terrorists" or "insurgents," the fact is that the use of planned, high-threat, sophisticated violence to accomplish their goals, even without a political agenda, is terrorism (Davids, 2002). Furthermore, the increasing use of violence against international narcotics control efforts, irrespective of the source as well as the dealing in narcotics for firearms a nd the financing of political insurgencies and terrorists through illegal narcotics activities, pose grievous threats to the national security of the narcotics producing countries and to the prospects for effective international narcotics control. Prostitution, Robbery, and Thievery The incidents of
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